Treasure Map, Yucca Kit


Maddie drew a treasure map. The iconography is bold and challenging on many levels, not the least of which is her rendering of the letter “R”. Type designers, bow down, maybe even despair a little bit, that you might ever envision an “R” this way. I’ve not yet heard her telling of the map story, only that the thing that looks like a Crusader shield is an “X marks the spot”.


I’ve listed the first yucca tree kit over at MMS+S. It includes both an armature kit and a leafy clusters kit, with a choice of three base colors: white, manila or green. I plan on making kits of just the leafy clusters available, for those who want to make their own armatures, and eventually just supply packs of leafy clusters sans instructions, for those who get it and want to build more yucca plants. Every build needs at least one good yucca :)


So many possibilities! There’s one more versatile yucca houseplant kit in the queue, and after that, it’s on to making specimens. I’ve drawn a different leaf cluster, longer and finer, and am working with a smaller gauge armature, just for the finished trees and plants.


Here is Maddie, studying the most recent Eric Carle book, and Ruby, being what contented two-month old humans are. Kind of my world right now :)

5 thoughts on “Treasure Map, Yucca Kit

  1. Barbara W. says:

    Oddly enough, I was attempting a (birthday) treasure map on the weekend. Mine involved a lot of spilled tea, burnt matches (and fingers) and penmanship that doesn’t even begin to compare to those wonderful Rs. The plants are lovely, the little ones are lovely – such bliss!.

    • Nancy Enge says:

      Gotta respect the treasure mapmaker’s art! I never seem to start with a big enough piece of paper. Spilled rum would probably be more authentic (and flammable :)
      Glad you like the plants!

    • Nancy Enge says:

      Well, you could amend that. Kelir sounds vaguely elvish :)
      I’m glad you like the yuccas! They’re immensely satisfying to make. Hope your 12:1 projects proceed smoothly.

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