Boxen, Handles, Slipcases


There’s a new set of boxes over at MMS+S, reminiscent of the “dish pack” size, for all your miniature packing needs.

I installed ELF handles set in reversed eyelets on the Sea Rise Pavilion front doors, and then glued the whole panel into the frame. I think I’ve finally worked out which components will be attached together, and which will remain removable. Rethinking having the hydroponics inside the greenhouse; they might get moved to the lower back utility deck. There is still much I don’t know.


Working on a simple slipcase kit to fit single and triple sketchbooks, in the classic and smaller sizes. Adds a nice finishing touch, and keeps your shelves and bookcases looking tidy. (And yes, that’s an April Wright mug — her pottery is wonderful! The wee bear bowls being used as bookends are feves from Laurel’s ValueARTifacts shop.)

Other stuff in progress and in sketch phase, brimming and swimming with ideas and plans. Focusing now on finishing up work projects for the year, and spending the holidays with family, and taking some time off.

Be good to yourselves, dear imaginary friends!




8 thoughts on “Boxen, Handles, Slipcases

  1. elizabeth s says:

    It’s so nice to see the packing boxes being unloaded inside Sea Rise Pavilion, because it appears that someone is already moving in and that’s GREAT! :D
    If you do decide to rethink the hydroponics and move them to the back deck, what would you do with that wonderous greenhouse space?

    • Nancy Enge says:

      That is a very good question, Elizabeth. The build seems to be transitioning from utilitarian to comfy living space, with more and more of the workings moving to the roof or under the deck. We shall see!

  2. Nancy Bristow says:

    Oh! I like the slipcase kit as well. I ordered some of your new boxes because as I said in my note…one can never have too many boxes. My other boxes are out on my counter so I can play with them and have show n’ tell with anybody who happens to come by—you do know the baskets with handles fit in there perfectly…as well as any Braxton pots you happen to have. *grin* I, of course, added a “Nancy Enge” label to one of my boxes…will send photo again in case you missed it.

    Because I’m vintage myself now, I have a gazillion treasures I can pack in those boxes until they’re ready for a scene…such as T&E Brownawell pots and pans…which I suggest you check out when you start outfitting the Sea House Pavilion kitchen. :) The artistry and workmanship are phenomenal. Their items won’t be easy to find but well worth the hunt from somebody’s collection up for sale.

    By the way, those wee bear bowl bookends are fabulous.

    • Nancy Enge says:

      Huh! I never thought of fitting a basket in a box… maybe that would be a good thing to add to the basket kits? Thanks, Nancy B!
      Will check out the T&E Brownawell pots and pans. I have a small collection of J. Getzan copper ware, and treasure them :)

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